Ōmu Komachi 鸚鵡小町"Ōmu Komachi" is a Noh play featuring Ono no Komachi, an elderly woman nearing the age of one hundred, as the protagonist. In the s...
The Meaning of the Monkey,Saru,猿The monkey (Saru) symbolizes family fortune and marital harmony.Because the pronunciation is the same as the Japane...
Traditionally, in Korea and Japan, hawk paintings were also believed to serve as talismans against disasters, known as "Sansai Fuseki." The three d...
Shojo is a fairy who likes to drink. It is an imaginary monster that resembles a monkey and is said to live under the sea. He had been buying liquo...
The "Later Three-Year War" was a conflict that occurred from 1083 (Eihō 3) to 1087 (Kanji 1) in the late Heian period. It was a war sparked by an i...
The lion is known as the king of all beasts. However, even this invincible lion fears only one thing: a parasite that lives within its own body. Th...
Cranes and turtles are symbols of longevity and celebration in Japan. The pine tree and bamboo in the background are also often displayed at festiv...
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